Business activity at a trade show where lot of products and service are being showcased.
The contribution of Trade Shows in Business Marketing
April 16, 2018
A trade show with lot of participants showcasing their business products and services.
April 26, 2018

Once we have decided to participate in a trade fair, we make the required bookings and set up a stall. Then what? The same old pamphlets and handouts will not work in this modern era. Videos are trending these days,and for our stall to look attractive and to draw the keen attention of spectators, we need to use the promotional videos effectively. For ways that can give your product a heads-up, please visit the website https://global.handelsblatt.com/companies/germany-dominates-global-trade-show-business-894495.

Unique ways to use promotional videos:

Videos in the brochure form:

There are many instances where we just dump all the brochures either of promotions or advertisements. Never we throw a look at them again. It’s just a waste of paper and the printing cost. The brochures in video form will leave an everlasting impression on the viewers. Video can be handed out to the audience in the form of a USB stick in which the video is available to be played and should be able to support all the formats. The video link to the exhibition can be mailed to the prospective clients and audience. If the link is capturing and exciting, there will be a rise in the sales. In this way, we can be in touch with them too. Video can be streamed on YouTube or the official website of the company during and after the fair or exhibition. Social media is the most efficient way of marketing these days.

In a fair that I attended recently, a Hospital Management Software startup company marketed their products by the innovative use of videos and garnered much-needed attention.

Using iPads, tablets, and smartphones:

Videos are more interactive than brochures and leaflets. They bring charm and life to the products that are being advertised. Even if we cannot afford projectors and large screens in the fair, we can efficiently use tablets to promote the products. Pictures and handouts can give the audience only a limited view. But, the videos will provide a 3-dimensional look of the product by which the people can have a better understanding of the product. All their queries and doubts can be clariid with the video itself. Rather than listening and seeing a static picture, a video will tingle the visualization sense of a person. It creates a deep impression in their memory,and the concept will be etched in their mind. Clients, suppliers, employees, recruits and the new audience will all be benefited from the videos. Videos can be streamed on smartphones as well in convenience.

Using large screens and projectors:

We always get fascinated by videos being played on huge screens, right? If the screen supports graphics and is high dimensional, then the impact will be different. The initial costs of the setup will be high, but shortly, the benefits will be more. There will be no need to call upon people repeatedly. They will view the large screen at their own will. They can take their own time and space before approaching for a business proposition. A well-made video can wake the senses of people and can energize them regarding the product.

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