An Analysis Of The Recruitment Trends For 2021

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Recruiting looks quite different now than it did a year ago

Recruiting looks quite different now than it did a year ago. Changes that were supposed to take years are now occurring in months, thanks to COVID-19 and its impact in the Industry.

For many companies, virtually hiring remote employees has become the new standard. Internal mobility and upskilling initiatives are being developed for the first time.

We have listed few of the forecasts on the future of recruitment which are based on findings from a poll of over 1,500 talent professionals, unique data from the LinkedIn platform, and in-depth interviews with global talent leaders to assist you handle these changes and stay ahead of the curve.

Recruiting can be of more Internal Hiring and Contractual Employee than Full Time Hiring:

Internal mobility will no longer be a nice-to-have, but a need. Recruiting will have the chance to lead/build a thorough internal mobility program in collaboration with learning and development (L&D) and wider HR, rather than relying on hiring managers or adhoc methods. Workers’ existing skills will be cataloged, and internal employment openings will be readily linked to appropriate L&D resources that will assist employees address any qualification gaps.

Companies will also transition away from static employment in walled divisions in the face of unprecedented unpredictability and volatility, and toward project-based cross-functional work, where workers will transfer to new projects as company requirements change. (Recruiters themselves saw such a shift in the early aftermath of COVID-19, with many relocating to other projects when recruiting halted.)

Recruiting Will Assist In Holding The Company Responsible For Diversity:

Candidates, workers, and customers have been watching to see how businesses across the globe have declared their support for Black Lives Matter and more diversity. Diversity isn’t a nice-to-have “effort,” but a business-critical need that recruitment can help with.

Remote employment will significantly increase the number of accessible talent pools, providing for better access to applicants from underrepresented groups and dispelling the myth that talent isn’t available.

It’s safe to say that virtual recruitment is here to stay.

Companies have experimented with video interviews and remote evaluations in the past, but the COVID-19 lockdown has prompted them to develop the first-ever end-to-end virtual recruitment procedure. They’re both seeing and appreciating the financial and time savings that the shift has brought. As a result, a hybrid recruiting process that includes virtual and in-person components will become the norm, just as a hybrid workforce of onsite and remote workers will.
There would be two difficulties for businesses. To begin, companies must improve their virtual processes and ensure that, as they master the technology, they continue to seek for ways to include human touches into their systems. Second, they must determine whether to utilize virtual and when to use in-person, as well as how to maximize the candidate experience and assessment benefits of in-person while maintaining the speed and efficiency of virtual.
The shift to remote employment will be led by recruiters.

When it comes to workforce planning, recruiters have long been trusted advisers to businesses; today, they have the potential to become essential. Remote work entices with its promises of a broader talent pool, improved productivity and retention, cost savings on wages and facilities, and a reduced carbon impact.
However, it complicates workforce planning by posing tough questions about remuneration (how will fair pay be determined in a dispersed workforce? ), capacity planning, business culture, technology, and employee visibility.

Empathy and behaviors will make or break your employer brand.

As applicants and consumers want businesses to take more aggressive positions on social issues, recruitment executives will place a greater emphasis on employer branding – and perceive it in a whole new perspective. Instead of displaying the company’s goods, benefits, and workplace facilities in polished marketing materials, they’ll focus on how they’re helping workers, customers, and communities during times of crisis.
Companies’ actions — the way they show up with empathy — will define their employer brand for years to come, from collaborations with charities to employee help programs to tiny acts of kindness. Employers will also be more vulnerable in order to gain trust, holding themselves responsible for flaws and being open about their intentions to fix them.

Ms. Mariana Joseph from Techfetch RPO (, the US-based recruitment process outsourcing company expert shares her views on the recent trends in that
“To fit with the company, recruiters will develop new capabilities. In recent months, recruiting teams have been stretched, twisted, and refashioned, and this is certain to continue. Recruiters will need to be adaptable in order to cope with recruiting slowdowns (or, in certain sectors, unexpected surges) and match with ever-shifting company objectives.

While some recruiters may be requested to fill various positions, locations, or teams as needed, many others will be required to do more. Personal growth – the capacity to learn new abilities — is the fastest-growing skill for recruiters”. Read More

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